Our Services


Welcome to Instant Waterproofing, the leading waterproofing solutions provider for your home or business. We understand the significance of protecting your property from water damage, so we offer various services to ensure your peace of mind. One area that requires special attention is your balcony. Balconies are often exposed to the elements and can suffer from water damage, leading to costly repairs if not addressed promptly. That’s why we offer balcony waterproofing services to protect your balcony and extend its lifespan. Read on to learn more about our balcony services and how we can help you keep your property safe and dry.

At Instant Waterproofing, we understand that each property is unique, so we offer customized solutions to your needs. Our balcony waterproofing services are designed to provide a seamless and long-lasting solution that will protect your balcony from the elements. Our team of experts will evaluate the condition of your balcony and recommend the best waterproofing solution for your needs. 

Our balcony waterproofing services include a range of options to suit your needs. We offer a liquid-applied membrane that provides a seamless and flexible barrier against water intrusion. We also offer a sheet membrane system ideal for balconies with a concrete substrate. Our team will work with you to find the best option for your property and budget.

If you need balcony waterproofing or repair services, contact Instant waterproofing today. Our team of experts will work with you to determine the best solution for your needs and provide a customized quote. Don’t let water damage take a toll on your property. Trust the experts at Instant Waterproofing to keep your balcony safe and dry.

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Saving your money with efficient plumbing

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What our customer say

Clara Finn



“I recommend plumbing service to everyone interested in running a successful online business! Absolutely wonderful!”

Bogdan Stanciu



“After using plumbing service my business amazing! It’s really wonderful. It’s really wonderful. It’s all good. I Like it!”