Our Services

Planta Boxes

Plants are a beautiful addition to any space, be it indoors or outdoors. They enhance the aesthetic appeal of your surroundings, purify the air, and contribute to your overall well-being. However, maintaining plants can be challenging, primarily if you reside in a small apartment or have limited outdoor space. That’s where Planta Boxes from Instant Waterproofing come in handy. 

At Instant Waterproofing, everyone should have access to fresh and healthy plants, regardless of their living space. We have created Planta Boxes, a unique solution to help you grow plants conveniently and stylishly. Our Planta Boxes are made from high-quality materials that are durable, lightweight, and waterproof, making them perfect for indoor and outdoor use. 

One of the unique features of our Planta Boxes is their modular design. You can connect multiple boxes to create a customized planter for your available space and plant collection. It allows you to create a vertical garden that maximizes your space and adds an eye-catching feature to your decor. Our modular design also makes it easy to move your plants around, adjust their position, and create different configurations depending on your mood or the season.

At Instant Waterproofing, our planta Boxes are the perfect solution for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of plant care without the hassle. With our Planta Boxes, you can create a beautiful and healthy environment to enhance your well-being and quality of life.

Planta Boxes from Instant Waterproofing are a unique and innovative solution for anyone wanting to grow plants conveniently, stylishly, and eco-friendly. Our products are designed to make plant care easy, even for those with limited space or experience. With our modular design, self-watering system, and various sizes and designs, you can create a customized planter that fits your needs and preferences. Our Planta Boxes are made from high-quality materials that are durable, lightweight, and waterproof.

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Clara Finn



“I recommend plumbing service to everyone interested in running a successful online business! Absolutely wonderful!”

Bogdan Stanciu



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