Our Services

What service we offer


An alcove is a recessed area or a small nook within a larger room, often used for storage, display, or seating. Alcoves can be found in various home areas, including living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms.


At Instant waterproofing, we provide a broad selection of bathroom services tailored to your specific needs. Our skilled team of professionals can handle all elements of bathroom renovation, from design to installation.


Our balcony waterproofing services include a range of options to suit your needs. We offer a liquid-applied membrane that provides a seamless and flexible barrier against water intrusion.


Your basement is an essential part of your home, and protecting it from water damage is crucial. Our skilled experts specialize in providing top-notch basement waterproofing, repair, and renovation services to help you create a safe and comfortable living space.

Joint Expansion

At Instant Waterproofing, we specialize in installing and repairing all types of expansion joints, including metal, rubber, and foam. Our team of experts can recommend the best expansion joint for your building, depending on its location, environment, and other factors.

Concrete crack injection

Our concrete crack injection services are designed to provide quick and effective repairs for cracks in your concrete surfaces. We use high-quality materials and techniques to seal the crack completely, preventing water from seeping in and causing further damage.

Concrete roofs

Our concrete roof waterproofing services are designed to provide adequate protection against water intrusion, ensuring that your roof remains strong and stable.


Demolition is an essential service that plays a crucial role in various industries. It is required for everything from small residential projects to large commercial ventures.

Driveway sealing

Driveway sealing applies a protective coating to your driveway to protect it from the elements. This coating helps to prevent water, snow, and other debris from penetrating the surface of your driveway.

Elevator shafts

At Instant Waterproofing, we understand the importance of elevator shafts in high-rise buildings. These shafts are responsible for transporting people and goods and providing an emergency exit in case of a fire or other disaster.

Epoxy coating

Instant Waterproofing offers a comprehensive range of Epoxy coating services to meet our customers' needs. Our Epoxy coating solutions are available for various applications, including floors, walls, roofs, and more.

Epoxy waterproofing

Our Epoxy waterproofing solutions are designed to create a durable, long-lasting barrier against water and other potential risks. Whether you need Epoxy waterproofing for your basement, roof, or any other part of your property, you can count on Instant Waterproofing to deliver exceptional results.

Flood testing

Flood testing is a method of testing the water tightness of a building. It involves simulating a flood or a severe rainstorm by flooding the exterior of the building with water and then monitoring the interior for signs of water leakage.

Micron testing

Micron Testing is a process used to evaluate the thickness of a waterproofing membrane. It is done by measuring the membrane’s thickness in microns, a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter.


A solid foundation is the backbone of any structure, providing stability, support, and protection against the elements. However, even the strongest foundations can become compromised, especially when exposed to moisture and water damage. That’s where our foundation waterproofing and repair services come in.

Joint repairs

At Instant Waterproofing, we specialize in joint repair services for commercial and residential buildings. We can quickly and efficiently repair any joint, including those made of metal, rubber, or foam.

Joint sealing

Joint Sealing is another essential service we offer at instant waterproofing. Joint Sealing is sealing the joints between concrete slabs to prevent water from seeping in.

Leak detection

Leak Detection is a critical service that is essential for any property owner. It involves identifying a water leak’s source before it causes significant damage to your property.

Leak repairs

Leak Repair is another critical service offered by Instant Waterproofing. Our team of experts is trained to fix all types of leaks, including those in pipes, roofs, and walls.

Peel and stick membranes

Peel and stick membranes are self-adhesive waterproofing membranes designed to create a watertight barrier. They comprise a rubberized asphalt compound coated onto a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) film.

Planta boxes

Plants are a beautiful addition to any space, be it indoors or outdoors. They enhance the aesthetic appeal of your surroundings, purify the air, and contribute to your overall well-being.


Welcome to Instant Waterproofing, where we are committed to providing you with the best waterproofing solutions for your pools. We recognize that a pool is a luxurious addition to your home and an investment that must be safeguarded.

Retaining walls

Retaining walls is essential to any landscaping or construction project that requires soil retention. They serve as a functional element and add beauty and aesthetic appeal to your property.

Rising damp issues

Rising dampness is a type of moisture problem that occurs when groundwater rises through the walls and floors of a building. This can happen for various reasons, including a lack of adequate damp proofing or cracks and gaps in the walls and floors.

Why Choose Us

  1. Quality Materials: We use only the highest quality waterproofing materials to ensure long-lasting protection for your property.
  2. Professional Team: Our professionals are highly trained and experienced in providing efficient and reliable waterproofing services.
  3. Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive pricing for our services without compromising quality or service delivery.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the industry’s leading provider of instant waterproofing services. We aim to constantly innovate and improve our products and services to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality instant waterproofing solutions to protect your property from water damage. We offer fast, efficient, and reliable services to ensure customer satisfaction.

Best Service

Our expert team provides instant waterproofing services to protect your property from water damage.

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Saving your money with efficient Waterproofing

We pride ourselves providing outstanding workmanship for our clients on a timely and affordable bases


What our customer say

Clara Finn



“I recommend Waterproofing service to everyone interested in running a successful online business! Absolutely wonderful!”

Bogdan Stanciu



“After using Waterproofing service my business amazing! It’s really wonderful. It’s really wonderful. It’s all good. I Like it!”